Monday, January 14

Major Traded Currencies

The 8 most frequently traded currencies in the Forex market are USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, CAD, NZD and AUD as listed below. They are also called the Major Currencies.

In the Table, you will see the Currency Symbol, The Country that owns the Currency, The name of the Currency and the Nickname given to each currency. 

Let me do some little explanation on the Table.
Each major traded currency is known only by the Symbol. The symbols are derived from using two letters from the name of the country and one letter from the currency name
For example:

·       USD is taken from United States Dollar,
·       GBP is Great Britain Pound,
·       JPY is Japanese Yen.
·       CAD is Canadian Dollars
·       NZD is the New Zealand Dollar.

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The currencies also have Nicknames. For example:
USD is nicknamed Bucks, green back.
GBP is nicknamed Cable.
EUR is Fiber
NZD is Kiwi. Etc. 

All other currencies that are not included in the Majors are known as the Minor Currencies. The minor currencies are traded by professionals only.

For your convenient, I would suggest you concentrate on the major currencies. These pairs are the most liquid in the Forex market.

I hope this makes sense?

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