Tuesday, January 8

The Truth Is Bitter

There are certain facts that should sink into your head before you consider trading currencies:
These are the truth about the FX market which most people who offer free Seminars and training wouldn’t like to tell you.

Though, you will spend few dollars in buying useful materials from them after all.

Nothing good come easy boy!

Good materials like the one we offer at ForexTowers.Com can pay you real good.

I am writing this for you to prepare your mind and get ready before embarking on real money business.

Let’s check it out!

All Forex Traders LOSE Money On Trades.
As I have mentioned earlier, more than 97% of traders lose money, mainly because of lack of Training, Improper Planning or Poor Money Management rules.


Therefore, if you hate to lose, you will find it very difficult to adjust to normal trading. With proper training, you are in to grab those pips with ease.

Mr.Pipsense had great losses too before he could hear the chart beat on EUR/USD, sit comfortably and pull those pips out till now.

Forex Trading Is A SKILL You Need To Learn.
Let me tell you the truth. Skilled traders make good money in this field daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
I think the 2% winners are skilled traders.
However, like any other business or career, success doesn’t just happen at a glance. It requires some dedication and hard work.
Try the DEMO after this training. And when DEMO trading, pretend as if it is your real hard earn money. I mean, when you lose in your DEMO, feel the pain and try to rectify where you went wrong.


Forex Is Not For Those In Search Of Job, low income And Or Poor.
You should be able to have at least $10,000 of trading capital (in a mini account) or $1000 (in micro account).
Also be sure you can afford to lose all.
Don’t expect to start an account with a few hundred dollars and become a Billionaire in one week.
“Fxmania” lose about $2000. He finally developed his magic system.
What was his secret?

Just check it out if it fit your trading style

Want To Get-Rich-Quick, Forex Trading Is Not For You.
If you are the type that wants to make some Trillions of Bucks with a deposit of some hundreds of Dollar in THREE months, just kick your ass out’a here!
Look for another type of business.

Trading Forex is like saying; “I do” in the altar. Marry your developed very own trading system to profit at the long run.

Do you understand me here?

Concentrate On ONE Major Currency Pair.
Always stick with one of the major pair because they are the most liquid with cheap spreads.

Mr.4xPipSense loves the EUR/USD so much. No wonder he profits always.

You can stick with any of the major pair, when you are familiar with it, you may try another.
Get the passion for that currency gee!

You see, these are what you must know first.

Do Forex need anything to kick start with?
Oh yea! Let’s see what it takes to become a trader lol.

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